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Solar Panels That Can Also Generate Electricity On Rainy Days

Posted:2018/6/27 0:00:00 Tags: Solar Panel High quality solar panels

Summary Generally speaking, Solar Panel is only suitable for use in a sunny environment. It is not easy to use in cloudy or

Generally speaking, Solar Panel is only suitable for use in a sunny environment. It is not easy to use in cloudy or rainy conditions; some batteries (such as Solar Panel) can store electricity for rainy days or night use. However, for some areas with insufficient lighting, this technology is not of great value either in terms of efficiency or cost.

The new solar panels developed by Shandong Green Times can better solve this problem. According to reports, they used a new technology called "TENG" in solar panels to capture the energy generated when raindrops fall. A nanogenerator is a device that converts mechanical energy into available electricity. It can use rainfall to achieve this goal on a very small scale. This kind of solar panel using TENG technology is still very light and can be installed on the roof. Researchers embedded a spacer made of different transparent plastic or polymer materials between TENG and solar cells. Because several layers of structure are connected, but each can operate independently, the solar panel can generate electricity under different weather conditions.

The bottleneck that currently affects the promotion and application of this new technology is the high production cost of the product. If solved, solar energy can be made into an efficient and clean new energy source even in areas that are deemed unsuitable for collecting solar energy due to lack of light.