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What are the inspection items before the water turbine is turned on?

Posted:2019/12/24 0:00:00 Tags: water turbine water turbine inspection item

Summary Water turbine is an indispensable part of the hydropower industry. We know that what are the inspection items before the water turbine is started? Here is the answer for everyone.

Water turbine is an indispensable part of the hydropower industry. We know that what are the inspection items before the water turbine is started? Here is the answer for everyone.

(1) The steel pipe pressure is normal; 

(2) Guide vanes and butterfly valves are fully closed; 

(3) There is no sundries in the water machine room, and the large shaft water seal is intact.

(4) The cooling water pressure is normal, the inlet and outlet valves of the oil cooler are fully open, and the inlet valve of the air cooler is opened to 1/3 opening;

(5) The air brake has been withdrawn and the brake pressure is normal; electrical engineering network (6) Check that the oil level and oil color of the return tank and gravity tank are normal; 

(7) The governor system and butterfly valve system are normal; 

(8) The carbon brushes, brush holders and slip rings are intact, and there is no loosening of the leads and connecting screws; 

(9) Check that the speed measuring device, temperature inspection instrument, temperature indicator and shear pin signal device indicate normal and no-end barrier signals.

Everyone understands the items that need to be checked before the water turbine is turned on. I hope that you will operate the turbine correctly in the future to make it last longer.

What are the inspection items before the water turbine is turned on?