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What should I pay attention to when installing solar panel?

Posted:2020/4/6 0:00:00 Tags: solar panel

Summary With the increasing popularity of solar technology, its cost is close to the cost of buying a new car. Now many small partners are thinking about whether they need to install solar panel. Before decid

With the increasing popularity of solar technology, its cost is close to the cost of buying a new car. Now many small partners are thinking about whether they need to install solar panel. Before deciding whether to use this technology to save energy, they need to consider the following questions.

1. Is the roof covered? If your roof is covered with trees for most of the year, you may not have enough "sunlight" to use it. Before proceeding, the provider or you will need to evaluate this. If your roof is well-facing and has enough sunlight, make sure it is well-structured. Current solar panels can be guaranteed for 20 or 25 years. If your roof needs to be renovated within the next few years, it should be maintained or replaced before installation. In this way, you do not need to spend extra time and money to reinstall solar panel. Please make sure that your solar panel will not violate any homeowners association rules that may hinder aesthetics.

2. Calculate power supply efficiency The maximum installed capacity of the solar panel you need depends on your electricity consumption, so before drafting the plan, you must first conduct an energy audit and seek efficiency improvements. To help contractors advise on the type and size of your system, please gather information about your home and electricity usage.

View electricity bills to determine monthly and full year electricity demand. Your usage will be expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Looking back at each month of the past year; you may use more electricity in some months than others (for example, if you run an air conditioner in summer). The manufacturer will provide some utilities to help with this evaluation.

What should I pay attention to when installing solar panel?